Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Engagement Blog

Well… My proposal to Sherri didn’t go exactly as I had planned but in all honestly, after all is said and done, it was just 4 simple words – “Will you marry me?” – that usually turns out to be a huge ordeal. I knew before hand that once people found out that we were engaged there was going to be a few standard questions.. “Can I see the ring!”, “What did you say”, “When is the wedding” and then the one question that usually requires the longest answer “How did he propose?” Well now I figure if anyone asks I will just write the web addy for this site and they can read the whole low-down and also view pictures. Yes – this concept is a little late and would have been handy but oh well.

My logic for my proposal was this. I presented Sherri with a promise ring while in a plane, in the air, above the earth. Marriage ceremonies typically take place on the earth. So with that said, where would a proposal ideally take place. Think about it for a minute ~ this was one of the clues that I gave to Sherri by the way. If you can't figure it out then I guess you will just have to read on....

February 19, 2005

A quick overview of the presentation of the promise ring. No - not the proposal, the promise ring. I had given Sherri a promise ring on February 19, 2005. She kinda knew that a promise ring was on the horizon but how I was going to present it to her was still a mystery. I had given her several hints and I think before it the presentation was executed she knew what it was going to be. I picked her up from her house and after no more than 10 minutes we arrived at the airport. We went on a 20 minute fly around Windsor and the northern portion of Essex County. Seeing that we had a warm snap the week prior to this other plans that I had hoped to have happen never did. But none the less we got up in the air, flew around her neighbourhood, our church a few of the fields that I’ve wandered around in all my life and also my neighbourhood. Unfortunately for me, it was the flight around my neighbourhood that threw me for a loop. Before the fly by my neighbourhood he warned us that we may experience some turbulence as we fly over the local businesses. This was an interesting fact actually. Apparently because we went in the “winter” and the air was cold, as heat rises from buildings it forms a column of air above the businesses. This was VERY evident as we flew over a rather large business park, the plane was bouncing all over the place. Not too much fun for me as this was also the first time I had ever flown on a plane before! I took only a few pictures as I was trying to find out where my stomach had gotten to! Needless to say, mere seconds before the plane landed Sherri nudges me or rather prompts me to get to the point of this trip so I search around my jacket, finger the promise ring box and toss it over to her. Nice presentation eh! I must have lost a few pounds on this trip cause my shirt was soaking wet but I am happy to say that I never.. ummm.. lost my lunch! Below is a picture of the plane we took and a picture of us BEFORE takeoff. I was too ill to take pictures after we landed! LOL!

March 11, 2006

I had already gone through the traditional process earlier and asked her dad if I could have his permission to marry his daughter - with which he said "Yes". After that major step, I was now preparing myself to ask Sherri herself.

As you can see my car is clean and it is March. There is absolutely no snow down here in Windsor and today was going to be the day that I ask Sherri if she would consider marrying me.

So, recalling the hint that I gave Sherri about where I was going to propose to her we went about our journey. Our first stop was in the Elora-Fergus region of Ontario. notice that their was snow up in this region of Ontario. I had commented several time to Sherri about how beautiful this vista was, and how beautiful the day was, how beautiful she was and then.. we hopped back into the car and carried onto our final destination.

After embracing the beautiful view from that lookout, we proceeded to Elora Gorge. This is a very beautiful and quaint part of Ontario. I had never realized the true beauty of it until we started to look around and walked along the top of the gorge which wasn't a real simple task since it is along a river and it is in March so therefore the whole pathway was ice! Not the most ideal predicament and there were several times I held my breath in hopes that I didn't slide underneath the hole in the fence and plunge into the river below...

Final destination - Mono Cliffs Provincial Park!

Well as you can tell by the picture of the sign below, Mono Cliffs Provincial Park has much to offer...

Fortunatly for me and my plans, spelunking is not one of the things which are prohibited to do while at Mono Cliffs! So the promise ring was given to her in the air, our wedding will occur on the ground so therefore I was hoping to propose to Sherri in a cave, beneath the ground. Here are some pictures from September 18, 2004 when we went to Mono Cliff and played in and amongst the various caves in this provincial park.

....BUT as you can see, from the start of this day in Windsor there was no snow. As you can see by the following pictures, there was plenty of snow up this way!

Well at the beginning of this blog I had stated that my proposal to Sherri didn't go quite as I had hoped. As already stated I had wished to propose to her in a cave and I knew there are caves in this park and I THOUGHT I knew where they were but since there was about 6" of snow everywhere... I got disoriented.

In the picture that I took which was closer to the cliffs, you can kinda see a ridge that cuts the "hill" in half horizontally. Knowing that we have scurried up this side before I thought it would be old hat for us to do it again. Well..For beginners we "went off the beaten path" and blazed our own trail. I was wearing Trail running/hiking shoes (My beloved Columbia shoes) and Sherri settled for some nice warm winter boots but she passed on the snowshoes. Once we got up to the side of these cliffs, the snow was waist deep in some places which, when you are wearing ONLY hiking shoes doesn't fair very well, but we kept pressing forward. Sheri knew what my intentions were for this trip but this first part was really gruelling.

As you can see in the second

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